Travelxp HD is an Indian high definition travel channel. The channel claims to be India's first HD travel channel with the biggest India-centric HD library of travel content across the world. The channel features shows including Xp Guide, Great World Hotels, Great Indian Hotels, Bada Weekend, Foodicted, Strictly Street, Scrapbook Divine Destinations, Best from the Rest, Landmarks, Xplore World, Hills and Valleys.
It is currently available on Tata Sky, DishTV, Videocon d2h, Airtel Digital TV and Hathway.
Video Travelxp
List of channels
- Travelxp HD
- Travelxp HD Europe
- Travelxp Tamil
- Travelxp 4K North America
- Travelxp 4K Europe
Maps Travelxp
- Backpack: Backpack is a series that show how a solo traveller trails through various parts of the world exploring culture, remote places, tourists spots and more.
- Food highway: Enjoying the different cuisine traveling through the highways of India with Rohan
- Great Indian Hotels
- Mount Kailash
- Travel buzz
- Xplore India: Xplore India brings you to popular destinations in India It shows and features various places that are naturally beautiful and culturally rich. Some places that are featured are Kargil, Jammu, Rajasthan, Ladakh, Bangalore. It also gives a detailed description of the places, along with the ways to get there.
- Best From The Rest
External links
- Official website
Source of article : Wikipedia